In 2008 the New York State Legislature passed the Safe Harbor for Exploited Children Act, a critical law in the fight against child sex trafficking. The law has numerous provisions, but the primary function of the law is to prevent commercially sexually exploited children from being charged with prostitution. The legal basis is that a ...
On Monday, June 23 2014, FBI Director James Comey announced the results of Operation Cross Country, the FBI’s annual nation-wide investigation of child sex trafficking. The eighth installment of the sting covered 106 cities and resulted in the rescue of 168 sexually exploited children and the arrest of 281 pimps (1). The operation was a ...
The Trafficking Victims Protection and Justice Act (TVPJA) has been blocked in the New York State Legislature for the second year in a row by lawmakers to further their political agenda. The TVPJA would strengthen law enforcement’s ability to investigate suspected traffickers, provide protection against criminal prosecution for trafficking victims, and increase the penalties for ...
In Florida, children can no longer be prosecuted for prostitution. With the Safe Harbor Act implemented in January, children should be sent to safe houses where they will receive treatments and protection from previous pimps. Though the Safe Harbor Act is a positive measure, there is a need for more safe houses for trafficked children. ...
Operation Cross Country, a FBI-led three-day operation, is excellent news for anti-trafficking organizations everywhere. The FBI rescued 105 children who were victims of trafficking and made 150 arrests against pimps and johns. The battle against human trafficking has been difficult: the problem is global, the perpetrators are many, and the fighters are few. Looking at ...
What do you picture when you hear “human trafficking victim?” For the majority of us, we see a young girl, probably weak and fragile, maybe from a foreign country. We often forget that young boys are often victims of the same tragedy. A recent study from ECPAT-USA looked at the boys who become victims of ...
The acquittal of Casey Anthony in the murder trial over daughter Caylee led to public outrage and demand for legislative change. The real catalyst of the outrage and public damnation was Casey’s failure to report two-year old Caylee missing for 31 days. This high profile case resulted in new state legislation, spurred by constituent demands ...