On Monday, June 23 2014, FBI Director James Comey announced the results of Operation Cross Country, the FBI’s annual nation-wide investigation of child sex trafficking. The eighth installment of the sting covered 106 cities and resulted in the rescue of 168 sexually exploited children and the arrest of 281 pimps (1). The operation was a ...
Lauren Hersh, New York Director of Equality Now and head of its Sex Trafficking program, states, “Prostituted persons are not only dehumanized by the act of prostitution but by society treating prostituted persons like second class citizens.” The negative stigma places prostituted persons at a higher risk of violence by abusers who act with impunity. ...
City officials are expected to work for the betterment of citizens; instead there have been many city officials caught for sexually exploiting citizens see 1 2 3 4. They are not always arrested for their conviction, but instead received minimal to no punishment for their crime. The Renewal Forum advocates for zero tolerance for these ...
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)
The U.S. Department of Justice defines commercial sexual exploitation of children as the “sexual abuse of a minor for economic gain.” This includes child pornography, prostitution, and sexual entertainment. The Stockholm Declaration adopted in 1996 at the First World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, explains CSEC as constituting ...
A better method of combating trafficking comes from a better understanding of trafficking. Over the next few weeks Renewal Forum will be presenting the ABC’s of human trafficking, covering the foundational vocabulary of this issue.
Abduction occurs when a person forcibly takes a man, woman, or child against their will, forcing that individual into circumstances ...
Last week the story broke that, in preparation for President Obama’s trip to Columbia, a group of 12 Secret Service members and at least 11 military members became intoxicated and hired prostituted women into their hotel rooms. So far the biggest expressed concern from our legislators has been that fraternizing with prostituted women undermined the ...
On Monday, April 9th, 2012 Ian Kitterman, director of policy and programs for the Renewal Forum, gave a talk entitled “250,000 U.S. Children Trafficked for Sex…and that’s just the beginning of our problems,” at Dordt College.
Mr. Kitterman was invited by Criminal Justice Professor Donald Roth to speak on the topic of human trafficking in the ...
Founder and President, Steve Wagner, of the Renewal Forum spoke in Virginia Beach, March 29-31st at Regent University’s Center for Global Justice Symposium.
Wagner was part of a four-panel discussion that gave an overview of human trafficking. Each participate was able to say how they got involved in the anti-trafficking movement and where/ how they are ...
The Renewal Forum enlisted the KlaasKids foundation to conduct online monitoring of the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area for the commercial sexual exploitation of children in December of 2008. This report summarizes those results.
Online Monitoring of CSEC in Milwaukee 2008
This paper uses peer-reviewed social science literature to estimate the number of minors victimized by human trafficking in the United States and, out of that amount, how many are runaways, homeless, and throwaway youth.
Download the paper here.